Monday July 17th |
Opening Session |
09:00 09:10 |
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09:10 09:20 |
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Welcome by the President of the province of Binh Dinh
09:20 09:35
Presentation of the VN Neutrino group
09:35 09:55
Introductory Talk
10:30 11:00
Mass and mixing, global analysis
11:00 11:30
Physics of the neutrino masses
11:30 12:00
Latest results from the Daya Bay reactor neutrino experiment
12:00 12:30
Results from the RENO experiment
14:00 14:30
Double Chooz
14:30 15:00
Status and physics potential of the JUNO experiment
15:30 16:00
Physics from SN neutrinos
16:00 16:30
Tuesday July 18th |
Plenary Session #3 Chairperson: Tom Gaisser (University of Delaware, Newark) |
08:30 09:00 |
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Final SNO result
09:00 09:30 |
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Solar neutrinos with SuperKamiokande
09:30 10:00 |
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Atmospheric neutrinos with SuperKamiokande
10:00 10:30 |
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Results from the OPERA experiment
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break |
11:00 11:30 |
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Oscillation measurements with KM3Net-ORCA
11:30 12:00 |
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Precision neutrino properties in ice
12:00 12:30 |
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The CHIPS experiment
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch |
Plenary Session #4: Chairperson: Kate Scholberg (Duke University, Durham) |
14:00 14:30 |
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14:30 15:00 |
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Recent Results from T2K
15:00 15:30 |
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latest status and results from MicroBooNE
15:30 16:00 |
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Direct neutrino mass measurement with KATRIN
16:00 - 16:30 Coffee Break |
16:30 17:00 |
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Results from the MINERvA experiment
17:00 17:30 |
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Coherent scattering of neutrinos with nucleus
17:30 18:00 |
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Search for charged lepton flavor violation
18:00 18:30 |
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Prospects for LFV studies at the Belle II experiment
Wednesday July 19th |
08:30 - 12:00 Contribution Session Chairperson: Jacques Dumarchez (LPNHE - Univ of Paris) |
(15'+5') |
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Cross section measurements at T2K
(15'+5') |
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Neutrino Mixing and Mass Sum Rules
(15'+5') |
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Study of neutrino-nucleus interactions with nuclear emulsion at J-PARC
(15'+5') |
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Directional detection of DM with a nuclear emulsion based detector (NEWSdm)
09:50 - 10:20 Coffee Break |
(15'+5') |
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Innovative light detectors for background rejection in CUORE and CUPID
(15'+5') |
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Sterile neutrino DM searches with X-ray sounding rockets
(15'+5') |
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Solar, atmospheric neutrinos and the sensitivity floor for solar DM annihilation searches
(15'+5') |
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The PROSA PDF fit and prompt neutrino fluxes
12:30 - 13:50 Lunch |
14:00 - 18:00 Excursions |
Thursday July 20th |
Plenary Session #6 Chairperson: François Vannucci (LPNHE & APC, Paris) |
08:30 09:00 |
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The GERDA experiment
09:00 09:30 |
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The CUORE experiment at LNGS
09:30 10:00 |
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Scintillating bolometers for the study of double beta decay
10:00 10:30 |
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CUPID-O Cryogenic calorimeter with particle ID for double beta decay
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break |
11:00 11:30 |
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A 100Mo pilot experiment with scintillating bolometers (CUPID activities)
11:30 12:00 |
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The SNO+ experiment
12:00 12:30 |
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Radon emanation studies in the SuperNEMO double beta experiment
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch |
Plenary Session #7 Chairperson: Deborah Harris (Fermilab, Batavia) |
14:00 14:30 |
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High Energy Neutrino Astronomy
14:30 15:00 |
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Recent highlights from IceCube
15:00 15:30 |
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Recent results from ANTARES and KM3NeT/ARCA
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break |
16:00 16:30 |
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16:30 17:00 |
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Signals of DM annihilation at SuperKamiokande
19:00 - 21:00 Conference Dinner at Seagull Hotel |
Friday July 21st |
Plenary Session #8 Chairperson: Carlo Giunti (INFN, Torino) |
08:30 09:00 |
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Electromagnetic interactions of neutrinos
09:00 09:30 |
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Status of the STEREO neutrino reactor experiment
09:30 10:00 |
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Status of precise SBL reactor neutrino measurements
10:00 10:30 |
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Searching for sterile neutrinos with MINOS+
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break |
11:00 11:30 |
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Sterile neutrinos at accelerators
11:30 12:00 |
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The SOX experiment: search for SBL neutrino oscillations at BOREXINO
12:00 12:30 |
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a search for sterile neutrinos at the NEOS experiment
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch |
Plenary Session #9 |
14:00 14:30 |
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Heavy neutrinos
14:30 15:00 |
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Recent results from NA62
15:00 15:30 |
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15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break |
16:00 16:30 |
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Status of the WA105 double phase liquid argon detector
16:30 17:00 |
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The HyperK project
17:00 17:30 |
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Neutrino in the era of precision Cosmology
Saturday July 22nd |
Plenary Session #10: Chairperson: Jean Trân Thanh Vân (Rencontres du Vietnam) |
08:30 09:30 |
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Concluding talk, experimental
09:30 10:30 |
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Concluding talk, theory
10:30 10:45 |
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Closing remarks
10:45 - 11:15 Coffee Break |
11:15 Buses from the Conference Center back to the hotels |
12:00 Lunch at Seagull Hotel |
Last modification 28/07/17 (jdz)