The present scientific program is still preliminary, subject to few changes.



Monday January 6th

Opening Session
(09:00 - 09:30) 

Conference photograph

09:40 - 10:10 Coffee Break

Plenary Session #1 Gamma-ray Astronomy I
(10:10 - 12:20) 
Chairperson: Emmanuel Moulin (Iruf CEA Saclay)


Measurement of Galactic diffuse gamma-ray emission with LHAASO
Qiang Yuan (Purple Mountain Observatory, Nanjing)    [PPTX]


Very-high energy emission from star clusters
Silvia Celli (INFN Sezione di Roma)    [PDF]


New Physics research at LHAASO
Xiaojun Bi (Institute of High Energy Physics CAS, Beijing)    [PPTX]


Sub-PeV gamma-ray astronomy by the Tibet ASγ experiment
Sei Kato (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris)    [PPTX]

12:20 - 13:20 Lunch

Plenary Session #2 Neutrino Astronomy I
(13:20 - 15:00) 
Chairperson:Silvia Celli (INFN Sezione di Roma)


KM3NeT (ARCA & ORCA) status and recent results
Antonio Capone (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare Roma)    [PDF]


High-energy neutrinos from NGC1068 and the emerging class of Seyfert galaxies
Chiara Bellenghi (Technical University of Munich, Garching)    [PDF]


The development of near surface radio detectors for high energy neutrino astronomy - from ARIANNA to IceCube-Gen2
Steven Barwick (University of California at Irvine)    [PDF]

15:00 - 15:30 Coffee Break

Plenary Session #3 Dark Matter I
(15:30 - 17:10) 
Chairperson: Aldo Morselli (INFN Roma Tor Vergata)


The Coming Limits on SU(2) WIMPs
Matthew Baumgart (Arizona State University, Tempe)    [PDF]


Atomic frontiers in dark matter detection: Enlightening the search for Dark Matter
Benjamin Roberts (University of Queensland, Brisbane)    [PDF]


Dark matter constraints from GAMBIT
Martin White (University of Adelaide)    [PDF]



Tuesday January 7th

Plenary Session #4 Cosmic Rays I
(08:30 - 10:00) 
Chairperson: Roland Crocker (Australian National University, Weston Creek)


Coherent magnetic field of the Milky Way halo
Petr Tinyakov (Université Libre de Bruxelles)    [PDF]


CR propagation in the Galaxy: insights from tev halos & diffuse γ-ray emission
Gwenaël Giacinti (Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, Shanghai)    [PDF]


Cosmic-Ray Electron spectrum with IACTs
Mathieu Jacobé de Naurois (Laboratoire Leprince Ringuet Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau)    [PDF]

10:00 - 10:30 Coffee Break

Plenary Session #5 Gamma-ray II
(10:30 - 12:10) 
Chairperson: Julien Bolmont (LPNHE Sorbonne Université, Paris)


MSP TeV emisison in globular clusters
Roland Crocker (Australian National University, Weston Creek)    [PDF]


Recent updates on the spatial morphology of the Galactic Center Excess
Deheng Song (Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University)    [PDF]


TeV gamma-ray halos
Sarah Recchia (INAF Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, Firenze)    [PDF]

12:10 - 13:10 Lunch

Plenary Session #6 Dark Matter II (indirect detection)
(13:10 - 15:20) 
Chairperson: Petr Tinyakov (Université Libre de Bruxelles)


Indirect dark-matter searches with gamma-rays experiments : status and future plans from 300 KeV to 100 TeV
Aldo Morselli (INFN Roma Tor Vergata)    [PDF]


511 keV photons from dark matter in the Galactic Center
Pedro De la Torre Luque (Institute of theoretical physics UAM, Madrid)    [PDF]


CTAO as BSM physics probe
Nagisa Hiroshima (Yokohama National University)    [PDF]


Does the Amaterasu particle point to superheavy dark matter decay in Milky Way?
Prantik Sarmah (IHEP Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing)    [PDF]

15:20 - 15:50 Coffee Break

Plenary Session #7 Cosmology I
(15:50 - 17:30) 
Chairperson: Sophie Vogt (Ludwig-Maximilian-University, Munich)


New frontiers in particle cosmology
Will Handley (Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge)    [PDF]


The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Multi-probe cosmology with unWISE galaxies and CMB lensing
Gerrit Farren (LBNL, Berkeley)    [PDF]


Testing GR using Large Scale Structure: A Pixelised Approach
Sankarshana Srinivasan (Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich)    [PDF]



Wednesday January 8th

Plenary Session #8: Future experiments and facilities I
(08:30 - 10:10) 
Chairperson: Martin White (University of Adelaide)


Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory
Masahiro Teshima (Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich)    [PDF]


The Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection: Status and Perspectives
Haoning He (Purple Mountain Observatory CAS, Nanjing)    [PDF]

09:40 - 10:10 Coffee Break

Plenary Session #9 : Cosmic Rays II
(10:10 - 11:10) 
Chairperson: Xiaojun Bi (Institute of High Energy Physics CAS, Beijing)


Simulating Cosmic Ray Feedback in the Resolved ISM: Star Formation and Outflows
Brandon Sike (University of Michigan Ann Arbor)    [PPTX]


Cosmic rays as a feedback agent in galaxy evolution
Ellis Owen (RIKEN Astrophysical Big Bang Laboratory, Saitama)    [PDF]

Plenary Session #10: Transients - Time domain and Multi-messenger Astronomy
(11:10 - 11:40) 
Chairperson: Xiaojun Bi (Institute of High Energy Physics CAS, Beijing)


Multimessenger challenges for the detection of core collapse supernovae
Irene Di Palma (Sapienza University of Rome)    [PDF]

12:00 - 13:00 Lunch

13:10 - 18:00 Excursions



Thursday January 9th

Plenary Session #11 Dark Matter III (direct detection)
(08:30 - 10:10) 
Chairperson: Ben Roberts (University of Queensland, Brisbane)


Status of the LUX-ZEPLIN and the WIMP Search 2024
Ewan Fraser (University of Liverpool)    [PDF]


DarkSide-20k: Liquid Ar-based Dark Matter Search Experiment
Masayuki Wada (Astrocent CAMK PAN, Warsaw)    [PDF]


COSINE dark matter search: Resolving DAMA/LIBRA
Hyunsu Lee (Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon)    [PDF]

10:10 - 10:40 Coffee Break

Plenary Session #12 Gravitational Waves Astronomy
(10:40 - 12:20) 
Chairperson: Irene Di Palma (Sapienza University of Rome)


Formation of Gravitational Wave Sources in Star Clusters
Abbas Askar (Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warsaw)    [PDF]


Detecting Gravitational Waves from a nearby Core-Collapse Supernova
Marek Szczepańczyk (University of Warsaw)    [PDF]


Multimessenger observations outlook
Tomasz Bulik (Astronomical Observatory University of Warsaw)    [PDF]

12:20 - 13:20 Lunch

Plenary Session #12 (cont'd) Gravitational Waves Astronomy
(13:20 - 14:20) 
Chairperson: Tomasz Bulik (Astronomical Observatory University of Warsaw)


LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA gravitational-wave sources and observational results
Michał Bejger (CAMK PAN Warsaw and INFN Ferrara)    [PDF]


Science with the Einstein Telescope - 3rd generation GW detector
Dorota Rosinska (University of Warsaw)    [PDF]

Plenary Session #13 Gamma-ray III
(14:20 - 15:20) 
Chairperson: Emmanuel Moulin (Irfu CEA Saclay)


Discriminating between source-intrinsic and Lorentz invariance violation time delays
Julien Bolmont (LPNHE Sorbonne UNiversité, Paris)    [PDF]


Constraints on Lorentz invariance violation form H.E.S.S. observations of PKS 2155-304 flaring period of July 2006
Ugo Pensec (LPNHE, Paris)    [PDF]

15:20 - 15:50 Coffee Break

Plenary Session #14 Neutrino astronomy II
(15:50 - 16:50) 
Chairperson: Antonio Capone (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare Roma)


Recent results of the Borexino Experiment
Alessio Caminata (INFN Sezione di Genova)    [PDF]


Status Report of the GRANDProto300
Sei Kato (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris)    [PPTX]

18:30 - 21:00 Conference Dinner at ICISE



Friday January 10th

Plenary Session #15 Dark Matter IV
(08:30 - 10:30) 
Chairperson: Pedro de la Torre Luque (Institute of theoretical physics UAM, Madrid)


Cosmological results from the first eROSITA All Sky Survey
Emmanuel Artis (Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Garching)    [PDF]


Phenomenology of Dark Matter Capture in Neutron Stars and White Dwarfs
Giorgio Busoni (The University of Adelaide)    [PPTX]


Hunting axions with the James Webb Space Telescope
Elena Pinetti (University of Chicago, Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics)    [PDF]


MADMAX status and first dark matter searches
Vijay Dabhi (Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille)    [PDF]

10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break

Plenary Session #16 Cosmology II
(11:00 - 12:00) 
Chairperson: Sankarshana Srinivasan (Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich)


Leading constraints on f(R) gravity from SPT galaxy clusters with DES/HST mass information and primary CMB
Sophie Vogt (Ludwig-Maximilian-University, Munich)    [PDF]


Early Dark Energy as a common ground for Cosmic Birefringence and the Hubble tension
Bum-Hoon Lee (Sogang University, Seoul)    [PDF]

12:00 - 13:30 Lunch

Plenary Session #17 Future experiments and facilities II
(13:30 - 15:10) 
Chairperson: Steve Barwick (University of California at Irvine)


Time domain astronomy with SVOM
Cyril Lachaud (APC, Paris)    [PDF]


Overview of Cosmic Ray measurements with Telescope Array
Keitaro Fujita (ICRR The University of Tokyo)    [PDF]


GRAINE project : a balloon experiment for cosmic GeV Gamma rays
Shogo Nagahara (Nagoya University)    [PPTX]

15:10 - 15:30 Coffee Break

15:30 - 17:00 Fruit Party on the beach




Last modification 10/01/25 (jdz)