PROGRAM OF THE PARALLEL SESSIONS #5       (Thursday August 25th)


Neutrino Oscillation Physics + Neutrino Scattering Physics
(Room 1)

Room 1: WG1+WG2 Neutrino Oscillation Physics + Neutrino Scattering Physics

Chairperson: Dan Cherdack (Colorado State University, Fort Collins)

10:45 11:15


Hadron Production Measurements with NA61/SHINE for Neutrino Experiments
Katarzyna Kowalik (National Centre for Nuclear Research, Warsaw)    [PDF]

11:15 11:45


DUNE Near Detectors
Hongyue Duyang (University of South Carolina)    [PDF]

11:45 12:15


HK and T2K Upgrade Near Detectors
Mark Rayner (University of Geneva)    [PDF]


Accelerator Physics
(Room 3)

Room 3: WG3 Accelerator Physics

Chairperson: Ken Long (Imperial College, London)

10:45 11:15


Progress towards a neutrino factory
Milorad Popovic (Fermilab, Batavia)    [PDF]

11:15 11:45


Progress towards a Higgs factory
Ben Freemire (Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago)    [PDF]

11:45 12:15


Progress towards a multi-TeV muon collider
Alan Bross (Fermilab, Batavia)    [PDF]


Muon Physics
(Room 4)

Room 4: WG4 Muon Physics (muon cLFV experiments)

Chairperson: Satoshi Mihara (KEK, Tsukuba)

10:45 11:15


Development of the muon linac for the muon g-2/EDM experiment in J-PARC
Ryo Kitamura (The University of Tokyo and KEK, Tsukuba)    [PDF]

11:15 11:45


The Muon g-2 Experiment at Fermilab
Wesley Gohn (University of Kentucky, Lexington)    [PDF]

11:45 12:15


Microwave Spectroscopy of the Muonium Atom at Zero and a High Magnetic Field
Hiroyuki Torii (University of Tokyo)    [PDF]


Neutrinos Beyond PMNS
(Room 5)

Room 5: WG5 Neutrinos Beyond PMNS (Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay: Theory)

Chairperson: Pasquale di Bari (University of Southampton)

10:45 11:15


Review on theoretical and experimental prospects on Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay
Stefano Dell'Oro (INFN Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila)    [PDF]

11:15 11:45


On neutrinoless double beta decay in the nuMSM
Hiroyuki Ishida (Shimane University, Matsue)    [PPTX]

11:45 12:15


Leptonic CP Violation Predictions from Discrete Flavour Symmetry Approach
Arsenii Titov (SISSA, Trieste)    [PDF]