Nb Last Name First Name Institution City Country
1 Albar  Kasyfil Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Surabaya Indonesia
2 Blackburn  Tristan University of Sussex Brighton United Kingdom
3 Boursette  Delphine LAL Orsay France
4 Cai  Tejin University of Rochester Rochester USA
5 Cen  Wurong Institute of High Energy Physics CAS Beijing P.R. China
6 Chatterjee  Sabya Sachi Institute of Physics Bhubaneswar India
7 Chauhan  Satendra Kumar University of Lucknow Lucknow India
8 Chikuma  Naruhiro The University of Tokyo Tokyo Japan
9 Cianci  Davio University of Manchester Manchester United Kingdom
10 Das  Soumya Ranjan Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Guwahati India
11 Dutta  Debajyoti Harish Chandra Research Institute Allahabad India
12 Dvorak  Martin Charles University in Prague Prague Czech Republic
13 Dziewit  Bartosz University of Silesia Katowice Poland
14 Emam  Mohamed Helwan University Cairo Egypt
15 Frere  Jean-Marie Universite Libre de Bruxelles Bruxelles Belgique
16 Guo  Cong Institute of High Energy Physics CAS Beijing P.R. China
17 Gupta  Aritra Harish-Chandra Research Institute Allahabad India
18 Harris  Deborah Fermilab Batavia USA
19 Hartnell  Jeffrey University of Sussex Brighton United Kingdom
20 Holeczek  Jacek University of Silesia Katowice Poland
21 Huang  Feifei The Pennsylvania State University University Park USA
22 Huang  Yongbo Institute of High Energy Physics CAS Beijing P.R. China
23 Ismail  Afif Sepuluh November Institute of Technology Surabaya Indonesia
24 Jash  Abhik Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics Kolkata India
25 Ji  Xingzhao Sun Yat Sen University Guangzhou P.R. China
26 Kayser  Boris Fermilab Batavia USA
27 Kelly  Odgers Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy USA
28 Khatun  Amina Institute of Physics Bhubaneswar India
29 Khuzaimah  Fasya Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Surabaya Indonesia
30 Lamoureux  Mathieu Irfu CEA Saclay Gif-Sur-Yvette France
31 Le Hoang  Minh Ho Chi Minh University of Science Ho Chi Minh Vietnam
32 Li  Nan Institute of High Energy Physics CAS Beijing P.R. China
33 Luo  Fengjiao Institute of High Energy Physics CAS Beijing P.R. China
34 Luu  Lan VNU-Hanoi University of Science Hanoi Vietnam
35 Luu  Minh University of Iowa Iowa City USA
36 Mandal  Sanjoy The Institute of Mathematical Science Chennai India
37 Mcfarland-Porter  Kevin University of Rochester Rochester USA
38 Mertens  Susanne Max Plank Institute for Physics Munich Germany
39 Mingazheva  Rizalina Physik-Institut University of Zurich Zurich Switzerland
40 Nakamura  Keigo Kyoto University Kyoto Japan
41 Nguyen  Chi Thanh Ho Chi Minh University of Science Ho Chi Minh Vietnam
42 Nguyen  Huong University of Virginia Charlottesville USA
43 Nguyen  Thach University of Science Ho Chi Minh Vietnam
44 Pham  Hang Hanoi National University of Education Hanoi Vietnam
45 Phogat  Aman University of Delhi New Delhi India
46 Pradhan  Raj Kumar Tribhhuvan University Kathmandu Nepal
47 Raaf  Jennifer Fermilab Batavia USA
48 Reno  Mary Hall University of Iowa Iowa City USA
49 Richter  Monika University of Silesia Katowice Poland
50 Roy  Samiran Harish Chandra Research Institute Allahabad India
51 Sehrawat  Sandeep Kumar Harish Chandra Research Institute Allahabad India
52 Seo  Seon-Hee Seoul National University Seoul Korea
53 Sharma  Sukh Dev Hnb Garhwal Central University Srinagar India
54 Singh  Prabhjot University of Delhi Delhi India
55 Soleti  Stefano Roberto University of Oxford Oxford United Kingdom
56 Tsui  Ka Ming ICRR University of Tokyo Kashiwa Japan
57 Wospakrik  Marianette University of Florida Gainesville USA
58 Wulf  Julien University of Zurich Zurich Switzerland
59 Xing  Zhi-Zhong Institute of High Energy Physics CAS Beijing P.R. China
60 Yan  Wenqi Institute of High Energy Physics CAS Beijing P.R. China
61 Yokoyama  Masashi University of Tokyo Tokyo Japan
62 Yoshida  Tomoyo Tokyo Institute of Technology Tokyo Japan
63 Zhang  Chengcai Institute of High Energy Physics CAS Beijing P.R. China
64 Zhang  Haiqiong Institute of High Energy Physics CAS Beijing P.R. China
65 Zhang  Kun Institute of High Energy Physics CAS Beijing P.R. China
66 Zhang  Xuantong Institute of High Energy Physics CAS Beijing P.R. China
67 Zhang  Yi-Bing Sun Yat-Sen University Guangzhou P.R. China
68 Zhang  Yongpeng Institute of High Energy Physics CAS Beijing P.R. China
69 Zhu  Guanying The Ohio State University Columbus USA