PROGRAM OF THE PARALLEL SESSIONS #8       (Friday August 26th)


Neutrino Oscillation Physics + Neutrinos Beyond PMNS
(Room 1)

Room 1: WG1+WG5 Sterile Neutrinos

Chairperson: Walter Marcello Bonivento (INFN Cagliari)

10:45 11:15


Impact of light sterile neutrinos at long-baselines
Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla (Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar)    [PDF]

11:15 11:45


eV Scale Sterile at LBL & SBL (Exp.)
Roxanne Guenette (University of Oxford)    [PDF]

11:45 12:15


eV Scale Sterile at SBL (Exp.)
Alessandro Minotti (CEA Saclay)    [PDF]


Neutrino Scattering Physics
(Room 2)

Room 2: WG2 Neutrino Scattering Physics

Chairperson: Stephen Dolan (University of Oxford)

10:45 11:15


T2K Recent Cross-Section Results
Erez Reinherz-Aronis (Colorado State University)    [PDF]

11:15 11:45


MINERvA Cross Section and Nuclear Effects Studies Continued and NuSTEC Update
Jorge Morfin (Fernilab, Batavia)    [PDF]

11:45 12:15


Neutrino Induced Neutral Current Coherent Pi0 Production in The NOvA Near Detector
Hongyue Duyang (University of South Carolina, Columbia)    [PDF]


Accelerator Physics
(Room 3)

Room 3: WG3 Accelerator Physics

Chairperson: Jaroslaw Pasternak (Imperial College, London)

10:45 11:15


Measurement of emittance
François Drielsma (University of Geneva)    [PDF]

11:15 11:45


Multiple Coulomb Scattering Measurements of Muons in MICE
Ryan Bayes (University of Glasgow)    [PDF]

11:45 12:15


Ionization cooling demonstration
Yordan Karadzhov (University of Geneva)    [PDF]


Muon Physics
(Room 4)

Room 4: WG4 Muon Physics (muon cLFV experiments)

Chairperson: Wesley Gohn (University of Kentucky, Lexington)

10:45 11:15


New DC muon beamline, MuSIC : present status of beamline commissioning
and prospects

Dai Tomono (Osaka University)    [PDF]

11:15 11:45


The experiment to search for the muon to electron conversion at J-PARC MLF

Daiki Nagao (Osaka University)    [PDF]

11:15 11:45


Jean-Baptiste Lagrange (Imperial College, London)    [PDF]