PROGRAM OF THE PARALLEL SESSIONS #7       (Thursday August 25th)


Neutrino Oscillation Physics + Neutrino Scattering Physics + Accelerator Physics
(Room 1)

Room 1: WG1+WG2+WG3 Neutrino Oscillation Physics + Neutrino Scattering Physics + Accelerator Physics

Chairperson: Mark Hartz (Kavli IPMU University of Tokyo)

15:30 15:52


NuPIL Overview
Alan Bross (Fermilab, Batavia)    [PPTX]

15:52 16:14


MOMENT Overview
Jingyu Tang (Institute of High Energy Physics CAS, Beijing)    [PPTX]

16:14 16:36


EMuS for MOMENT R&D and neutrino cross section measurements
Ye Yuan (Institute of High Energy Physics CAS, Beijing)    [PDF]

16:36 16:58


The ERC ENUBET project: high precision neutrino flux measurements in
conventional neutrino beams

Francesco Terranova (Universita di Milano Bicocca)    [PDF]


Muon Physics + Neutrinos Beyond PMNS
(Room 4)

Room 4: WG4+WG5 New physics and lepton flavor violating observables

Chairperson: Michael Schmidt (The University of Sydney)

15:30 16:00


Global constraints on Seesaw neutrino mixing
Josu Hernandez (IFT UAM, Madrid)    [PDF]

16:00 16:30


Electric dipole moments of charged leptons with sterile fermions
Takashi Toma (LPT, Orsay)    [PDF]

16:30 17:00


Conversions of Bound Muons: LFV from Doubly Charged Scalars
Tanja Geib (Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich)    [PDF]