Preliminary Program
The program of the Vietnam 2006 Conference on
"Challenges in Particle Astrophysics"
is presently under construction.
The general format of the conference is intended to present on
each subject a global introduction / review and then focus on hot
topics. More specialized contributions will also be possible in an
afternoon of parallel sessions:
contributions can be proposed by sending an
A. Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays
Based on direct measurements on primary cosmic rays, the question
of cosmic ray sources, composition, propagation and acceleration
should be addressed.
- Cosmic Rays, Particle Physics and the High Energy Frontier
- Origin, acceleration and propagation of cosmic rays: the inverse problem
- Composition as a function of energy
- UHECR experiments (precise spectral shape, GZK cutoff?, new physics)
- Uniform source model or exotic sources?
- Shower Properties, Simulation and Detection Techniques
- Intercalibration Fluorescence-Surface Detector
- Radio-detection of HECR
- Observations of HECR from space
- Cosmic Ray hadronic interaction models
- VHE Gamma Ray Astronomy
- Neutrino Astronomy
- Cosmic Rays and Cosmology
B. Dark Matter and Dark Energy
Over the last ten years, precision measurements in cosmology have made it
possible to determine a surprising composition of our Universe. Almost flat
Ωtot ≅ 1.00 +/- 0.02,
our universe appears composed of two
main components, a matter component of density
Ωmat ≅ 0.28, withordinary (baryonic)
matter representing only 4.5% of the universe density, and
a dark energy component
ΩΛ ≅ 0.72. Although
Supersymmetry with conserved R-parity provides a natural candidate with WIMPs
(Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) and the Dark Matter problem, the
situation is more challenging for the Dark Energy component, where a
cosmological constant and a quintessential component both require a high degree
of fine-tuning.
Our global description by the concordance model must then be questioned and
scrutinized to test its relevance. "Challenges in Particle Astrophysics" will
discuss the recent progress in this fascinating field.
- Direct detection of dark matter
- Dark Matter Candidates in Supersymmetric Models
- WIMP indirect detection through gamma rays
- INTEGRAL and light dark matter
- Dark matter searches with neutrino telescopes
- Matter distributions in galactic clusters
- Structure on large and subgalactic scales and properties of dark matter
- Dark energy and dark matter from cosmological observations
- Supernovae, Dark Energy and the Accelerating Universe
- Inflation and Acceleration
- Inhomogeneties in the Expansion Rate of the Universe?
C. Cosmology
- The concordance model
- The Cosmic Microwave Background anisotropies: open problems
(anomalies at low and intermediate l's, asymmetries and non-gaussianity,
power excess at high l, high value of the optical depth,
non-zero running index α, isocurvature fluctuations,
topological deffects, B-mode polarization)
- LSS-CMB cross correlation
- Mapping the Large Scale Structure of the Universe
- Detection of the Baryon Acoustic Peak in the Large-Scale Correlation Function
- Relic Gravitational Waves and Cosmology
- Cosmological constant and vacuum energy density
D. Neutrinos
- Massive neutrinos in astrophysics
- Neutrinoless double beta decay and direct searches for neutrino mass
- Neutrino Masses from Cosmological Probes
- Leptogenesis as the origin of matter
- Neutrinos as astrophysical probes
- Cosmogenic neutrinos
- Neutrinos, Gamma-Ray Bursts and Gravitational Waves
- Astrophysical Sources for High energy neutrinos
- Neutrinos and pulsar kicks
- Neutrino Interactions far above the Weak Scale
- Measuring the 13-mixing angle and the CP phase with neutrino telescopes
E. Gravitational Waves
- Present gravitational wave detectors: status and results
- LISA Pathfinder, LISA and beyond
- Gravitational Waves and Cosmology
- Pioneer anomaly (results, theories, proposed missions, ...)
- MOdified Newtonian Dynamics
- gravity at laboratory scale
- TeV gravity at neutrino telescopes
Jacques Dumarchez
Last modified: Fri Oct 27 18:31:12 CET 2006